Bnewable Client
Web Development, Wordpress Services
Feb 2023 Date
Link Website

About the project

Bnewable tackles your energy challenges through decentralized energy storage and production solutions at your site(s). They handle the investment, development and operation, unburdening the customer from the energy hassle and complexity.

Bnewable is managed and co-founded by a group of highly experienced entrepreneurs and renewable executives with backgrounds from the likes of Eneco, REstore/Centrica, EVBox, Elia, Engie, and Accenture among others.

The team around the founders not only has operational experience and a track record of execution and creation of equity values, but also has unique access to top target assets within the PV and storage market.

The solutions we provided

We took the fresh design provided by our partners and transposed it into a slim, fast and responsive template for Wordpress.

We've used the latest frontend technologies to optimize it for every type of device while also making sure the platform was secure and kept up-to-date.

We've also provided maintenance services and training of employees on content management.

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